A Soul Session releases emotional blocks in your body, and gives you clarity and direction. This 60-90 minute session can be done in-person or on-line.

Using a pendulum and the Harmony Keys, a Soul Session activates an intention. It identifies emotions held within specific energy centers (chakras) and the age at which the emotions were “set.” Together, we explore the narrative held in your mind and body.

A typical session goes as follows:

  1. Introduction: An overview of what the session contains, the pendulum and Harmony Keys board and other tools. 

  2. Centering & Grounding: A guided state of inner awareness activating the chakras and energy field. 

  3. Intention: In this relaxed state, you tap into your consciousness and identify something you wish for, an intention.

  4. Harmony Keys & Pendulum: Using the pendulum, I locate the emotion, chakra and age that holds the key to fulfilling your intention. We explore the narrative that binds these elements together and ask clarifying questions if needed.

  5. Connection: There is usually an ah-ha, where pieces start to connect.  

  6. Healing Practice: I will provide methods for healing in the moment and suggest options to use later. 

  7. Closing Ritual of Gratitude: We shield ourselves with love and cut energetic cords formed by the session. 

  8. Summary & Practices: You will receive a digital summary of all that was covered and additional practices to continue your healing. 

    Payment is approached as Dāna, a practice in generosity.