We have embarked on a sabbatical to serve in the name of kindness. What does that mean? We are seeking out opportunities to support people and organizations by volunteering our time and skills.

We care a lot about community and connection. Together, we can make the world a better place for all…one kind act at a time! Through our experiences, we aim to bring more joy and hope to others. Please join us on our journey, either in person or online!

Humans have the rare gift of being creators - choosing what to think, how to feel, and most importantly, how to behave. Each moment of every day is an opportunity to build a better world. We are in charge of caring for ourselves, each other, and all that exists on Earth. What affects one, affects all.

HKC Four Tenets

Be Kind To...

- Yourself

- Those You Know

- Those You Don't Know

- Nature